Before You Begin

LiveOpens – Before You Begin

Choosing Your List

When choosing a list for your InboxGeek integration, you have a few options. You can use a list of subscribers you’ve already been sending to, or you can create a new list specifically for InboxGeek.

Whatever list you choose, make sure that the list is comprised of only US data. InboxGeek only performs with US data at this time.

If you’re creating a new list specifically for InboxGeek, you should start with a list size of at least 30k subscribers. A larger list like this will typically perform longer and hit the daily event limit, but a smaller list will still yield similar results for a shorter period of time.

The strategy you take here sometimes dictates the list size for you. For example, if you’re trying to reach a specific audience with InboxGeek, you may need to create several smaller lists that’s more targeted and then integrate each one.

Read below for additional recommendations to begin your InboxGeek experience.


Re-engage Inactive Subscribers

InboxGeek has tested and proven the success of using your integration to re-engage inactive subscribers. Some lists can be compiled of only inactive subscribers of 6 months inactive all the way to several years.

One strategy recommended by our email experts is to start with your most recent inactives (however you define most recent) and then every 2 weeks, as long as your email open rate is above 20%, add older inactive data.

Targeting New Subscribers

Use your InboxGeek integration to capture new leads and raise engagement with a welcome sequence. Imagine landing their very first email from you in their inbox the moment they are online.




Each integration strategy produces results specific to your goals. That said, the effort sowed in your strategy should include maintaining list health and deliverability.  A cleaned list is the best kind of list to integrate with in order to see great integration performance.

List Cleaning

Before you begin your integration, cleaning your list(s) that you will be using for InboxGeek will provide you with the best performance possible. Low quality lists will not reach their daily limit maximum, perform for as long, and will yield lower than expected results in open/click rates and revenue.

If you need additional information on how to do this, please contact your dedicated account manager or InboxGeek support team at [email protected]

The composition of a low quality list would include:

  • Unsubscribes
  • Duplicates
  • Non-buyers (emails that were purchased or provided by abandon cart or traffic of non-buyers)

InboxGeek team members have personally used EmailOversight to clean lists; however, ZeroBounce is another alternative.

Creating A List From Already Integrated Contacts

InboxGeek will filter and suppress duplicate contacts within a single integration to prevent sending numerous events to a single contact. The suppression is not applied across multiple integrations allowing you to run as many automations to a unique contact as you desire.

However, if the integration you are completing is using the same contacts that are in a currently active integration, the new integration will load those contacts before the average 24 hours most new integrations take. It is best to create your ESP automation and have it live before completing the new integration with existing contacts.

Real Time List Refresh

InboxGeek has an auto-refresh feature that will update your integrated list with any changes to the structure of the list within your platform. Currently, the following platform integrations are considered dynamic:

  • Klaviyo segments
  • Sendlane segments
  • ExpertSender segments
  • GetResponse segments
  • ActiveCampaign segments
  • Ontraport groups
  • Convertkit tags – depending on the automations set within your platform, an automation can be created similar to a segment so that a tag is added or removed to a client once they fall into that condition
  • Keap tags – depending on the automations set within your platform, an automation can be created similar to a segment so that a tag is added or removed to a client once they fall into that condition
  • Hubspot active lists
  • Webhook



Choosing Your Content

Depending on the strategy you are using for your integrations will obviously determine what content you are sending to your subscribers. You can use existing content that performed well with other campaigns, use a new email creative, or try one of our top performing email swipes we’ve tested amongst our re-engagement integrations.

Regardless of the segment you’re writing for, whether or not you can land it in their inbox is the difference between your happy dance and a failed campaign.

Check Your Content’s Deliverability

InboxGeek consistently watches our deliverability for the lists we integrate. Our favorite tool to do so is GlockApps. It’s as easy as creating a free account with GlockApps and running a split test with your subject line or content. InboxGeek is always here to look over the results with one of our email experts and your dedicated account manager. If GlockApps, or another spam testing alternative, isn’t the right fit for you, InboxGeek will gladly review and provide feedback of your content before you complete your integration.

Content Recommended By Us

As we always say at InboxGeek, we have proved the success of re-engagement with these integrations. What’s more is we want to share with you the email creatives we used to yield that awesome open rate and increased revenue. Take a peek at our top performing email swipes for re-engagement campaigns.

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