Seasoned Inboxers Strategies

Seasoned Inboxers Strategies

Did you get the vanilla smear to your integration for performing below your daily limit? Have you heard the phrase ‘list saturation‘ but don’t have any clue what this means? Are you concerned your list size is too small to succeed with InboxGeek? Is your open rate lower than the Marianna Trench? Then we’ve got you covered. The following strategic methods have been proven successful internally and can be applied for long term continued use.


List Recycle

Use for: missing daily limit, small list size, list saturation

Each month, take the non openers from your automation associated with your InboxGeek integration and place them into a new segment. Create a new integration within InboxGeek (using a new, unique tag) and target those subscribers again from scratch. Updating your subject line or content will give that refresh needed for improved performance. This segment will still see a decline in daily event volume over time, but this strategy does provide a constant focus on your non openers, improving the odds of reengagement.


Update Your List

Use for: missing daily limit, small list size, list saturation

There will always be new subscribers and non openers contributing to your lists. For example, you have 20 new subscribers per day on average, which adds up to 600 new contacts in a month.  Updating your list by adding to the segments of non openers you recently collected from the previous months will keep your active lists clean and reduce the amount of time a non opener is sitting like a dead lead. Take the opportunity to capitalize on any newly engaged or freshly subscribed contacts when updating your list and campaign to those using an InboxGeek integration.


Add a New Domain / Sub-domain

Use for: low open rates

Implementing a new domain or sub-domain can improve your deliverability. Here are some tested domains / sub-domains that you can try for yourself:

This should have no cost increase unless your ESP charges for a new sender. The reason this change makes such a difference is that Gmail and other email platforms track the behaviors of subscribers and eventually will stop inboxing emails if they are not being opened from specific domains.


I’m emailing from – when sending from this domain, Gmail will know that subscriber “Joe” isn’t opening from new, subscriber “Mike” opens everything, and subscriber “John” deletes all the emails from the contacts he doesn’t know. 

It is possible the email will land in all 3 inboxes but more than likely at least one of these emails will land in spam because Gmail recognizes my domain and predicts that subscriber Joe won’t even open the email. When you create a new domain, Gmail can no longer anticipate that user activity which increases the likelihood that your email will be delivered straight to the inbox.

Engage The Unengaged

For the emails that you are simply trying to increase engagement and are not including a CTA, try the following strategies:

  • Adding new content
  • Tweak the subject line
  • Add the subscribers name or email address to the subject line for a more personal touch
  • Change up the hyperlink for contacts that previously opened but did not click
  • Entice your subscribers to click a link by mentioning “free gifts”, +free shipping, etc.
  • Encourage subscribers to reply to the email to receive the free gifts


What is ‘list saturation’?

List saturation happens when InboxGeek has sent events to 30-60% of your integrated list, and the rest of the contacts are either less active or not tracked. When this occurs, you might notice your daily limit being missed, and your daily send rate gradually decreasing. It’s important to understand that this isn’t a problem with your integration; instead, it’s a signal that it’s time to update your integrated list using one of the strategies mentioned above.


Your dedicated InboxGeek account manager is always available to schedule a strategy call if you aren’t quite sure of your next steps.

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