Your 1st Email Guide

Guidelines for Your First LiveLeads Email


With LiveLeads you can now capture those wandering site visitors and put them straight into a cold leads sequence to warm them up for a sale…

But! Let’s not forget, these emails will be a little warmer than a cold email but not so much that you can send just anything.

Our Email Experts are here to make sure your leads don’t hit the ‘spam’ button after reading your first email. We’ll help you keep them coming back for more.



⇒ Use a from name that is recognizable from the traffic source.

⇒ Subject line must be clear with intentions.

⇒ Inform lead why they are receiving the email.
Example: ‘Because you were interested in [PRODUCT NAME]…’ or ‘Because you wanted to learn more about [CONTENT]…’

⇒ Give the subscriber an obvious opt out feature –  unsubscribe here – in the first line of the email.

⇒ Brief summary about what they will receive in future emails / list description.

⇒ Use a shared IP when sending 1st email to protect your private domain/IP that you’ve warmed and built a great reputation around.

⇒ Identify the message as an advertisement

⇒ Add a physical address/location



⇒ Do not use sales offers in the first email – they can be reported for abuse.

⇒ Do not make unsubscribing difficult – Any leads that you send to, if they don’t want your content, let them unsubscribe in the easiest way possible to avoid complaints.
Example:  Upsells, additional offers, or multiple steps to unsubscribe.

⇒ Do not send offers until a lead has interacted with your emails.



⇒ CAN-SPAM laws allow transactional and relational emails to those that have not subscribed.

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