Frequently Asked Questions – LiveLeads

Frequently Asked Questions


How soon does LiveLeads begin capturing records?

As soon as your script is placed on your site, InboxGeek will begin to gather all visitor’s records. There is a 15 minute delay between when InboxGeek acquires the visitors email and when that visitor is visible in your records table. This is to allow time for any suppression scripts to activate and filter out purchasing visitors before uploading captured records into your portal.

How can I ensure compliance when using LiveLeads?

To stay compliant while using LiveLeads, follow our guidelines outlined here.

Where are the leads stored?

Leads are stored in the “Records” table within the LiveLeads Records section right after they’re verified and captured.

Is the LiveLeads script intrusive?

No, the LiveLeads script is non-intrusive. It operates on your site much like a standard Google Tag Manager, and the URL is concealed for privacy.

What kind of email should I send after receiving records?

The email you send after obtaining a record from LiveLeads should include a warm welcome, information about your identity and the reason for contacting them, and an easily accessible unsubscribe link in the opening paragraph to prevent complaints. For more details, please visit Your 1st Email Guide.

Can I specify the location for my script in a VSL?

InboxGeek doesn’t provide specific instructions for this, but if you have a development team available, they can try to embed the script into the VSL’s existing HTML and see what data yields.

Where should I put my LiveLeads script?

Place your LiveLeads script in the page header where you want to capture site visitors. You can choose to add it to a single page or implement it globally. For more information, click here.

Can I use the same script on multiple pages/domains?

Yes, absolutely! You can apply the same script to multiple pages and domains. This also holds true for suppression scripts. However, it’s important to note that if you opt for using the same script across various pages/domains, the ability to filter your records table by the source name will be disabled. Instead, you can efficiently use the search bar to find specific page titles within your records.

How does the suppression script operate when a subscriber visits multiple pages/domains?

The suppression script works by restricting all site visits to any of your sources when a subscriber accesses a page with an active suppression script. The lead must interact with the suppression script within a 15-minute window, or all previous behaviors will be captured and uploaded to InboxGeek.

The suppression mechanism operates on a 24-hour refresh timer. After the 24-hour period elapses, InboxGeek gathers all leads, including those that might have been previously suppressed. To prevent sending content meant for non-buyers, it is recommended to create a condition in your platform’s automation, excluding all subscribers who have previously made a purchase. This practice aligns with InboxGeek’s recommended best practices for LiveLeads.

Do I have to pay for all leads even if I only want to email the verified ones?

Yes. It’s crucial to recognize that if you choose to send communications only to the verified leads, it’s your decision to leave the remaining purchased leads untapped. Each visitor captured utilizes one of your valuable Records credits. The strategy you employ to filter and market to these leads does not impact the structure of your LiveLeads subscription and does not exempt you from the responsibility of payment. 

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